Paul Bonsoir les amis Philippe Salut, petit bonjour du sud de la haute saône ! Jules Un petit coucou a cette sympathique radio, et j'engage les auditeurs a suivre cette radio qui monte monte monte....


How to Start an Online Business Around Your Passion

todayfévrier 22, 2023 49 3

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Have you ever wondered how your favorite musicians make such great music? The answer is this: They fully understand how musical emotion works, and how to use this to create intense emotions in YOU while you listen to them. Understanding musical expression is key to becoming a great guitar player and musician. When you control emotion in music, you will gain the power to greatly affect the listener’s experience.

Most guitarists want to be able to express themselves better with their guitar playing; however, the majority of guitar players have no idea how to actually practice this skill. This leads to a lot of time being wasted on practicing guitar in a way that does not produce big results. The solution to this problem is to develop a more accurate fundamental understanding of how to develop creativity in music.

Many guitar players try to enhance their musical creativity skills by searching the music of their favorite bands for cool riffs and guitar ideas and playing them over and over. This is certainly an enjoyable activity to do when playing guitar, but in reality it does not do very much to help you to learn musical expression. If you spend a great deal of time on this, you will be missing out on the two most critical parts of being able to create emotion in music.

Écrit par: gjlml

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Qui sommes nous ?

Air Connect est une station de radio musicale française créée le 28 Aout 2010.

La programmation musicale est essentiellement concentrée sur la musique du moment, mais nous diffusons occasionnellement des morceaux collectors.

La station est diffusée en France et partout dans le monde par Internet.

Le siège social est situé à Arc-Lès-Gray, en Bourgogne Franche-Comté.

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